Monday, October 24, 2016

The Shot Heard 'Round the World

Today in class we continued our discussion of the events leading up to the Revolution.  You can see what we discussed (and watched) below!  Students have a writing assignment due tonight!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Road to Revolution

So today in class I played a pretty cruel trick on the 8th graders.  Today I showed them a fake letter saying they were going to be required to pay more for lunches, activities, and school supplies.  Additionally they were going to have to wear school uniforms and pay for use of the school phone.  Even worse, it would cost them to carry their cell phones around or wear the clothes that they want!'

Now obviously I did this for a reason.  I wanted students to feel the anger and frustration of the American colonists prior to the Revolution.  Kids today wanted to yell, protest, and rebel, just like some of their ancestors.  We began to discuss the reading in class today and will finish tomorrow.  You can check it out below:


Monday, October 17, 2016

Road to the Revolution

Today in class we began our war unit by watching a video that talked about the events that led up to the American Revolution.  Students completed an assignment in class while they watched.  You can check out the assignment here and the video below:

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Constitution Review

Here are some more tools for the Constitution Test.  Included is a longer study guide with lots of information as well as a visual study guide below.

Also, we didn't quite finish but here are the scribbled notes we took in class today to help us review:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Constitution Review

Today in class we finished talking about the Bill of Rights and have gone into review mode for the Constitution Test on Friday.  These are the 10 questions that are on the test:

1.       Identify two ways compromise played a role in the Constitutional Convention.

2.       From the Preamble, what is one reason for writing the Constitution?  How does the government accomplish it?

3.       Define “checks and balances” and provide two examples of how this principle works in the U.S. government.

4.       Explain how a federal system of government works. 

5.       Explain why the United States is a republic. 

6.       What are two examples of how the government is limited by the Bill of Rights?

7.       Describe the process by which a bill becomes a law. 

8.       Explain who elects the President of the United States. 

9.       How does the Supreme Court use the power of judicial review? 

10.   Describe the processes by which the U.S. Constitution can be changed over time, and provide an example.

Students must answer all 10 questions.  Below is how I will be assessing their skill in the government:

Constitution Test Rubric
Skill:  Explain the origins, functions, and structures of government.
Description of Score
Each question is attempted and answered accurately and thoroughly.  Student’s responses show a complete understanding of the government and principles that is written in a clear and thoughtful manner.
Each question is attempted and answered with few to no inaccuracies.  Student’s responses show an understanding of the government.
Each question is attempted but demonstrates inaccuracies throughout.  Student’s responses show the beginnings of an understanding of the government.
Student’s responses show a lack of understanding about the government.

 Happy Studying!

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Bill of Rights

Today in class we discussed the Bill of Rights and how it impacts us as Americans.  You can see what we discussed below:

7 days until the Constitution Test!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Articles 4-7

Today in class we discussed articles 4-7.  You can see what we discussed below:

Additionally, here are the notes we took in class today.  We are trying them a bit different, so stay tuned for how we are going to do that in the future!

Constitution Test Countdown:  9 Days!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Judicial Branch

Today in class we discussed Article 3, which is the Judicial Branch.  You can see what we discussed below:

Students have a reading assignment to complete as well as a written assignment that goes with it.  For those materials, check out the links below:

The Constitution Test is scheduled for October 14!